If you would like to get in touch about any Press and PR enquiries, please contact us at: info@blacklistedbrandy.com
“An excellent plum spirit with a mellower side, giving it the deep color and graceful complexity of French vieille prune from Gascony. The other brandies are clear and bright and deliver proper ripe aromas and “sotte voce” fruitiness. The quince has smoky richness.” — NEW YORK TIMES
Though women are slowly being recognized in the spirits industry, it’s still considered a bit of a “boys club”. One woman challenging this male-dominated industry is Chicago native Draga Culic. She is the founder and CEO of Blacklisted Brandy, resurrecting the brandy category by giving rise to the Serbian way of making the spirit. — DAYTIME CHICAGO
Good Night New York - Fox 5 NY - Blacklisted Brandy's debut into NYC, tasting Cristal & Ryan on Blacklisted Aged Plum neat, along with some fun and festive holiday cocktails. Filmed on 12/6/24, aired 12/26/24 (show starts at 15:25m)
You want to use the best fruit possible, because if the fruit is not being used at peak harvest or ripeness, it shows in the end product,“ Culic says. “Peak ripeness makes the natural sugars shine through. Those complex fruit flavors on the pallet help make a delicious cocktail,” she adds.
1. Myth: All brandy is made from grapes / 2. Myth: Brandy is different from Cognac or Armagnac / 3. Myth: The darker the brandy, the more flavorful it is / 4. Myth: Good brandy is always super-expensive / 5. Myth: To make great brandy, you must start with great wine... learn more at — CHOWHOUND
Eggnog is one of the most traditional fixtures at any holiday party—and it's also one of the most divisive. We consulted bar managers and bartenders from across the country to share their picks for the best liquors to add to your eggnog. And some of their choices might surprise you. — DELISH
Chicago, Ill. – Blacklisted Brandy announces its official launch in the U.S., unveiling four expressions: Heirloom Apricot, Heirloom Pear, Heirloom Quince, and Aged Heirloom Plum. Blending the forward-thinking nature of American consumers today with centuries of Serbian brandy-making traditions...

In a spirited move that marries tradition with avant-garde ethos, Blacklisted Brandy has introduced US consumers to a unique blend of ancient Serbian brandy-making techniques to transparency and quality. Founded by Draga Culic, this Chicago-based endeavor seeks not just to sell Brandy but to redefine it, offering an alternative that’s as clean and natural as it is rich in heritage and flavor.
With its recent launch in the US, Blacklisted Brandy is not just introducing Americans to its unique brandy expressions but is also redefining the spirit’s category. By leveraging ancient Serbian brandy-making techniques and committing to a clean spirit philosophy, Blacklisted Brandy is set to captivate the hearts of cocktail enthusiasts and bartenders alike.